Most people leave college in debt, specifically from student loans. However, what if you could graduate college with some money set aside to pay off that debt and start your new adventure called adult life? If you save up during…
How to Avoid a Small Business Tax Audit
Just because tax season is over doesn’t mean you can sit back and forget about your taxes. In fact, now is the time that a small business is specifically in danger of being audited by the IRS. Therefore, there is…
Eight Ways to Save Money on Your Honeymoon
You’ve officials survived the wedding, the last thing you want is to worry about spending more than you can afford on your honeymoon. Here are a few ways that you can plan a fun, worry free honeymoon without breaking the…
Love, Marriage, and Your First Joint Tax Return
You’ve said “I Do” to the love of your life and now, for better or for worse, you have to file your taxes…and yes, that calls for a joint tax return. From knowing when to file as “Married Filing Jointly”…
Charity Donations Pay Off on Your Taxes
When tax time arrives, your generosity might help you lower your tax bill – aka – charity donations. Whether you give money to a church or clothing to your local Goodwill, if you itemize deductions, you can write off your…